The time has finally come to introduce Kinneret Leora, who was born on July 16 and weighed in at 3.205 kilos.
Some FAQs:
So what do you actually call her?Aside from Kinneret, the name Squirrel Monkey (including variations such as the Monk) has stuck pretty well so far. And if you don't get why, try putting her on your arm, and watch her cling to the branch like a... squirrel monkey, of course.
What color are her eyes?Beats me. At first they were dark blue. Now they're just dark, kind of a greenishy brownish. (Just try putting that on your driver's license, though.)
Who does she look like?Whence this obsession with carbon copitude? I don't see any resemblance to either of us or to RP, but in a generic way, she does look like she could theoretically be our kid, unlike her rather Aryan-looking
older sister. (As one religious mother at RP's day care said, after being told that no, my husband is not blond: 'Maybe it's the mailman. God forbid!')
Does she do anything other than eat and sleep (and spit up and burp)?Well, I'm glad you asked that, because I have to say Schwarzenegger's got nothing on this girl's muscles! Not only does she pick up her head and chest like a real pro, but at 2.5 months, she's already rolling over (from front to back and more recently, from back to side)! This seems like a continuation of the squirminess she exhibited in utero. Let me tell you, this girl can move!
You didn't give this one four names too, did you?Yup. Kinneret Leora Kordova Wienburg, aka KLKW (or just KL for short). But this time we sent a letter to the Interior Ministry pointing out that (in the absence of middle names in this country) we do in fact mean it when we request that Kordova be listed as her third first name. Oddly enough, we only had to send in the request once and got just what we asked for! I didn't even get a phone call from a puzzled clerk! Maybe she was having her lobotomy that day.
Speaking of her names: Why?Leora (note the "e") is after Warren's grandfather Leonard (get it, LEOnard, LEOra - pretty clever, hey?). And Kinneret - well, you know. It's a lake. We've already got a pomegranate, and everyone knows that once you have a fruit, the inevitable next step is a body of water.
So, does she get less attention, not being the only kid in the house?Definitely. On the plus side for us, she seems more laid back about life than Rimonit - she doesn't demand to be fed the very second she wakes up, she actually lets us put her down every once in a while, she sleeps. And on the plus side for her, she gets the chance to develop an early resistance to unnamed parties trying to poke a pacifier in her eye. And what more could a body of water really ask for?
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