Getting a head start
Just a bit of wisdom from Rimonit's day-care center:
When I went to drop her off the other day (she started last week and hangs out there for three to four hours a day), I noticed a laminated paper on the floor with all the other toys. It had a picture of a colorful parrot, beneath which were the words, in English: "How many color does it hold?"
Fortunately, all that Rimonit (now four and a half months old!) cares about right now is, "Will it fit into my mouth so I can drool all over it?" (Or, as the authors of the ostensibly educational game might have said, "How many drool can hold one little mouth?")
Ah, well, it's good to know Israelis are getting a head start on how to speak pidgin - or should that be parrot? - English...