Things Rimonit has been saying
* tni li hand (holding Kinneret's hand down the path in front of our building in very big sisterly fashion)
* lo l'bite! (to Ki)
* lo l'break, lo l'take (seeing any trends here?)
* Nit lo want THAT 'tainer (because that's not the container Ki was playing with first. the 'that' is a recent upgrade from 'ze.' she also occasionally remembers to say 'yes' instead of 'ken.' the occasional 'thank you' comes out something like 'manku.')
* eifo rosh hashana? (when 'hagei tishrei' cd starts playing:) hinei rosh hashana!
* yalla, yalla roshana!
* ima metuka! (not so true, but i like it anyway)
* i lovOO!
* over the last few weeks, she has started really absorbing my repeated explanation that the reason we can't open this bag of pasta/can of corn/etc etc right now is because there's already one open and first we finish what's open and then open a new one. now every time she sees any container, it's all: lo open. finish open! and she's not satisfied until i repeat the rule. (that's right, first we finish what's open and THEN we open a new one...)
* she very much excels at the metanarrative. she'll often be running around the house 'singing,' and regularly interrupt herself to inform me 'Nit singing!' another time, she had a whole 'shabbat shalom' back and forth with warren; i was sitting right there but she stopped in the middle, looked at me and said, 'Nit Abba shabbat shalom!' she also narrates what other ppl are doing, like when warren took another helping of something: 'Abba want more.' About a month or two (three?) ago we were at ppl with a dog and she said 'Nit dress for Shabbat. Doggie lo dress for Shabbat.' Have i mentioned she loves shabbat? all week long she sits in her bathtub cooking for shabbat (hot! oven. Nit cooking shabbat)
* she love love loves playing with her quasi-imaginary friends: her buddies from gan who do exist but just aren't actually there while she's opening the front door to let them in to the house.
The metanarrative! Yemima tells me all her plans, and then summarizes with, "Yes, that's what I'm gonna do. Yes."
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